Orthofix Recognizes National Nurses Week

The heart of the healthcare sector is celebrated this week, as we honor nurses and their many contributions. National Nurses Week concludes on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.
National Nurses Week was first observed in the U.S. in October 1954 to mark the 100th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s pioneering work in Crimea. Thanks to her strict use of hand-washing and hygiene practices while caring for wounded soldiers in the Crimean War, Nightingale and her helpers reduced the death rate from 42 percent to 2 percent — ushering in nursing as we know it today.
This week, we express our gratitude for the impact that nurses make in our health care and communities. Nurses are often the first and last person a patient sees during a doctor or hospital visit; we commend their unwavering commitment and compassion! Thank you nurses – You make a difference!