Meridian with WaveForm A

The Meridian® ALIF system was designed to be a modular instrument and implant system to streamline the ALIF procedure and provide diverse fixation options for single to multilevel ALIFs in a reduced number of sets. Implants feature WaveForm® technology, the next level of 3D printed innovation designed to prioritize strength, surface, and stability. With a repeating and continuous wave-like structure, WaveForm was created to withstand high compressive loads while delivering an endplate porosity that maximizes the potential for early stabilization.1,2 This balance of strength to porosity offers increased opportunity for bone packing, decreased stiffness profile and enhanced imaging properties.

Key Features

WaveForm Technology

  • Repeating and wave-like structure has the highest strength-to-porosity ratio compared to other 3D-printed structures1
  • 65% endplate porosity to facilitate early stability2
  • 80% body porosity allows for decreased interbody stiffness and improved imaging characteristics
  • When coupled with OsteoStrand® Plus, an osteoinductive environment is created within the WaveForm interbody, where graft can flow from the inside out, forming a connection endplate to endplate, and ultimately be contained within the WaveForm structure

No-profile and TruProfile® Standalone Constructs

  • Modular fixation options to address a variety of stability requirements and anatomical challenges

Multiple Lordotic Interbody Options

  • The No-profile and TruProfile construct offered at 10°, 15°, 20°, and 25° lordotic options

1. O. Al-Ketan, R. Rowshan, R.K. Abu Al-Rub, Topology-mechanical property relationship of 3D printed strut, skeletal, and sheet based periodic metallic cellular materials, Addit. Manuf. 19 (2018) 167 -183.
C.N. Kelly, et al., High-strength, porous additively manufactured implants with optimized mechanical osseointegration, Acta Biomater. 279 (2021).
Data on file.

Instructions For Use