The Galaxy Fixation™ Elbow system’s modular components are complementary to the the Galaxy Fixation system and specifically engineered for the treatment of elbow joint instability. The elbow hinge can also be used in combination with the Galaxy Fixation Gemini clamps.

Product Highlights

Elbow Hinge

  • To be used with 12mm rod for the humerus and 9mm rod for the ulna and the Galaxy Fixation™ clamps (please refer to the relevant operative technique)
  • Radiolucent hinge that allows easy location of the center of rotation of the elbow, flexion-extension up to 175° and micrometric distraction (15mm) of the joint

Elbow Motion Unit

  • To be used with the elbow hinge for passive motion
  • Allows controlled, limited flexion/extension of the joint

Benefits to Surgeon

  • Radiolucent hinge that allows easy location of the center of rotation of the elbow, flexion-extension and micrometric distraction
  • Fast and easy assembly
  • Flexibility of use (ease of use)
  • Versatile sterile kits, sterile single packed components, instrument and implant trays
  • Clamps for independent screw placement
  • Allows easy and stable connection of either a rod and a bone screw or two rods
  • Places screws where the condition of the bone and soft tissues permits

Benefits to Patient

  • Non-invasive targeting technique
  • Cylindrical self-drilling bone screws with 4 and 5mm thread diameters to fit pediatric anatomy appropriately
  • Allows either free or controlled/limited flexion-extension of the joint