Accell Evo3
DBM Putty with Accell™ Bone Matrix
Accell Evo3™ and Accell Evo3c are ready-to-use DBM putties that combine patented Accell™ Bone Matrix (ABM) and particulate DBM to provide a biphasic release of growth factors.1 Both putties contain a reverse phase medium (RPM) carrier that contributes to exceptional handling characteristics.
Key Features
- Contains Accell Bone Matrix (ABM)
- RPM carrier creates a moldable and irrigation-resistant putty
- Procedurally integrated with RAPID™ graft delivery system
- Compatible with O-Genesis™ graft delivery system
- Osteoinductive potential is tested on every lot
- Cancellous bone in Accell Evo3 C provides osteoconductive scaffolding

- Khaliq, S., Lollis, R., Bell D., Oliver, R., Walsh, W R., Ingram, R. Evaluation of a Next-Generation DBM Putty in a Posterolateral Spinal Fusion Model [White Paper].