DBM Fibers with Cancellous Chips
FiberFuse™ consists of mineralized cancellous bone and demineralized cortical fibers, providing an ideal matrix for bone healing. Exclusively processed by MTF Biologics, FiberFuse Advanced comes as a moldable allograft and FiberFuse Strip comes as a preformed allograft.

Key Features
- 100% bone with no carrier added
- Moldable and cohesive cortical fibers
- Cancellous chips enhance packability in FiberFuse Advanced1
- Expands to fill gaps
- Demineralized cortical fibers are consistently osteoinductive when assessed in an in vivo model2
- Rapid rehydration with surgeon’s choice of reconstitution solution
- FiberFuse Advanced is compatible with O-Genesis™ and RAPID™ graft delivery systems
- FiberFuse Strip provides a pliable graft that contours to the host bone
- Processed by MTF Biologics, with 30+ years of aseptically processing safe and efficacious allografts
- Martin, G. J., Jr, et al. (1999). New formulations of demineralized bone matrix as a more effective graft alternative in experimental posterolateral lumbar spine arthrodesis. Spine, 24(7), 637–645.
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