Lucie's Story
The future is bright. I think I will be able to get back to full-time exercising. I will be able to hike, paddle, do some mountain climbing and live a regular life, without pain.
Lucie injured herself at the beginning of the summer in 2020, while wakeboarding. This resulted in a spiral femoral fracture. She underwent a first surgery to address the injury that resulted in her losing 3 cm of length to her leg. After two months of battling pain, Lucie was unable to do the things she loved and struggled with even simple activities like walking. Limb-length discrepancy can be a challenging condition to tackle, with severe consequences if left untreated. An orthopedic surgeon in France recommended surgery with the Fitbone™ limb lengthening nail. She was operated on again in November 2020. Two months later, her femur had reached the original length. To learn more about Lucie’s story, please watch her video.