Galaxy Fixation
The Galaxy™ fixation system is a modular external fixation system for fracture treatments of lower and upper limbs.
Product Highlights
- For temporary and definitive fracture fixation
- Quick and ready to use:
- sterile kits, sterile single-packed components, instrument and implant trays
- Cylindrical self-drilling bone screws with 4 and 5mm thread diameters
- Ergonomic:
- specific paediatric clamps and rods
- Flexible/Versatile:
- compatibility with Orthofix circular and monolateral external fixation devices
- Galaxy Fixation components are designed to fit specific paediatric anatomy
- Mechanical performance and low profile frames
- Minimally invasive approach
- Designed to allow early weight bearing (at surgeon discretion) and functional recovery
- Easy device removal
For more information, see

Support Material
- Galaxy Paediatric Kits flyer
- Galaxy Fixation System MRI Information
- Galaxy Fixation System Brochure
- Galaxy Fixation System Operative Technique – Lower Extremities
- Galaxy Fixation System Operative Technique – Upper Extremities
- Galaxy Fixation System Comparative Mechanical Data
- Galaxy Fixation System Trays
- Galaxy Fixation System Inventory Control Form
- Galaxy Fixation System CAT Configurations
- ORTHOFIX Trauma Sterile Kits
- Pediatric Products Brochure